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Compensation and benefits
Comply with national and local laws and regulations to ensure the compensation and benefits;
Establishing a scientific and reasonable salary system and welfare guarantee system;
Continuously improve the fair and reasonable distribution structure;
Distribution according to work, efficiency first, fairness and sustainable development;
- continuously improve the social competitiveness of the company's compensation and benefits, improve the level of income.
Two, training and development
To build a learning organization as a strategic goal;
Multi form training mode, the three level training system, the combination of practice and theory, the combination of skills and literacy, and molding the compound talents;
- knowledge training: constantly implement new knowledge training for professionals and related professionals, to enable employees to have the basic knowledge necessary for the completion of their work and the new knowledge needed to meet the challenges;
Skills training: the continuous implementation of post staff job responsibilities, technical regulations and professional skills training, so that it can grasp the theory on the basis of flexible application in practice, and constantly improve the job skills;
Training - quality: the continued implementation of the corporate culture, values and interpersonal psychology, sociology and other aspects of training, establish mutual trust relationship between the company and the employee, to meet the needs of employee self realization.
Three, job promotion
Multi channel channel planning, incremental value. Scientific personnel, taking into account the individual career planning, technical systems, marketing systems, management system job docking;
- flexible employment mechanism, not performance priority, priority capacity promotion according to status;
- experience excellent reserve cadre regular rotation, rotation testing exercise, provide fast growth platform;
--- humanized allocation, taking into account the human nature of the work of the deployment mechanism to achieve common development;
- ability to open competition, performance oriented, full competition for the selection of core management personnel regularly;
Xian - only on promotion, not seniority, only quote, the layout of the country's elite talent selection mechanism.
Four, cultural environment
--- material, behavior, system, the concept of four levels of structure, read and read the success of the core philosophy behind the success of Ning ning;
---MI concept recognition system, the management philosophy, management model, enterprise value, employee awareness and other core values;
---BI behavior recognition system, the norms of corporate ethics, employee communication, interpersonal activities, such as the style of doing things;
---VI visual recognition system, presents a way to change the domestic electric energy metering;
That embodies the wisdom of Master Haoning inexhaustible soil, mutual trust, unity, create a better future;
- classical culture, the achievement of a century enterprise.